
1 Enoch 2: A Commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, Chapters 37–82 is unavailable, but you can change that!

1 Enoch presents interpreters with a complex knot of interrelated puzzles concerning the history of early Judaism, the trajectories of wisdom and apocalyptic traditions, and the role of astronomical observation in cosmological speculation—all tied up with the bewildering history of the book’s composition and transmission, in different languages and manuscript traditions, over centuries. Two of...

On the form elsewhere in the Parables, see comm. on 40:1–10 above, p. 131. The precise relationship between the Son of Man material in the Parables and Daniel 7 is a matter of dispute. Do the Parables draw on Daniel 7 or on an earlier tradition on which Daniel 7 is also dependent? A close comparison of Daniel 7 and the Parables indicates the following.1 (1) The Parables omit the following Danielic elements: the setting of the scene and identification of Daniel as the seer (7:1*); the four beasts
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